

Kairros provides professional advice on a range of health management and re-employment issues for employers, insurers and clients.

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Primary Duty of Care for Employers

Everything we do at Kairros is focused on boosting the health, safety and productivity of people, and as an employer you also have that responsibility for your workers. We work with you to minimise the social and financial impact of workplace injury and illness.

Below is information to help you, as the employer, understand your work, health and safety (WH&S) responsibilities and your ongoing legislative compliance in the workplace. This information can be used together with our locally-focused specialty services to help you support workers with injury or illness.

Your responsibilities as an employer

According to Safe Work Australia anyone who falls under the definition of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), has a legal obligation to build a safety culture under the WH&S laws.


Carry out due diligence

Make a continued effort to ensure your workers, volunteers and visitors are safe while at work by providing specific training, carrying out assessments and observing all legal requirements

Consult with your workers

Deliver safety messages, information and support to workers, and plan for all work to be completed without risk to workers or visitors

Keep a register of injuries

Ensure you provide and maintain an accessible register for workers to comfortably record and raise safety issues

Provide a RTW program

Supporting your workers back to work can reduce financial impact and optimise the return to work and life participation for your employees

Safety first

Wellbeing and safety in the workplace is important and having zero injuries would be the ideal for employers. However, accidents do happen, and it’s important for employers to be doing everything they can to not only help prevent them in the first instance, but to also be proactive with employee education and training; policy and procedure updates; comprehensive record keeping and a solid plan for return to work.

A good place for employers to start is by:

  • Providing first aid kits in easily accessed locations
  • Prominently displaying emergency plans on site in clearly visible areas
  • Training workers to ensure work is done safely and correctly
  • Keeping thorough records/injury logs of any accidents or incidents that occur
  • Ensuring you have a current worker’s compensation policy and up-to-date insurance
  • Implementing a formal Return to Work (RTW) policy that details your plan and commitment towards providing employees with a pathway back to work

Speak to a member of our team today about how we can support and improve your business’ WH&S

Other optional testing: Kairros also provides additional testing including onsite drug and alcohol testing, audiometry (hearing testing) and vision testing, among others.

SWA is an Australian government statutory body established in 2008 to develop national policy relating to WHS and workers’ compensation. The Intergovernmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational Reform in Occupational Health and Safety was agreed by COAG on 3 July 2008. This agreement formalises the cooperation between the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to achieve harmonisation of work health and safety laws.


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