Kairros receives more referrals than any other year on record
Throughout 2020, Kairros helped more people than ever before recover and return to work during what was an especially challenging year. This enabled significant and sustainable growth of the business with continued delivery of excellent outcomes for our clients.
Account Manager David Riley said that the majority of the Kairros achievements can be attributed to the team’s remarkable ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. He gave special mention to the consultants, stating that their pro-activity and support of both clients and customers never wavered, even when having to revert to working from home and adapting to a telehealth model during lock-down.
Kairros is also proud to provide in 2021:
- An increased staff complement and presence in regional NSW
- Continued provision of specialised services for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) clients, further cementing the Kairros reputation for providing equitable, knowledgeable and culturally competent services
- Increased presence and impressive growth in the WA region, having officially launched locally.
2021 will also see Kairros focus on consolidating our regional footprint and better refining specialised offerings.